

发表时间:2019-08-30 15:03


1:学术专著:邢飞,尤政,孙婷等《APS CMOS星敏感器系统原理及实现方法》,国防工业出版社 2015

2:Wang Geng, Xing Fei* et al. "Precision enhancement method for multiplexing image detector-based sun sensor with varying and coded apertures." Applied Optics 54.35 (2015): 10467-10472.

3:Special Issue: Xing Fei, Smart Optical Instruments and Systems for Space Applications. [J] Instrumentation, 2015 Vol 1.

4:Li Jin Xing Fei*, Sun Ting, You Zheng, Space high accuracy intelligence payload system with integrated attitude and position determination. Instrumentation, Vol 2, No.1 P3-17 March 2015.

5:Sun Ting, Xing Fei*, You Zheng, Research on Dynamic Performance of Star tracker. Instrumentation, Vol 2, No.1, P18-26 March 2015.

6:Wei Minsong, Xing Fei*, Wang Geng, You Zheng, System modeling based measurement error analysis of digital sun sensors. Instrumentation, Vol 2, No.1 P27-P32, March 2015.

7:Liu Zengyi, Zhaoborui, Fei Xing, Design and error analysis of a high accurate star simulator based on optical splicing technology. Instrumentation, Vol 2, No.1 P44-56, March 2015

8:Li jin Xing Fei*, Sun Ting, You Zheng, Efficient assessment method of on-board modulation transfer function of optical remote sensing sensors. [J] Optics Express, 2015, 23(5):6187-6208.

9:李进, 邢飞*, 王翀. 空间 CCD 相机高精度在轨调制传递函数估算[J]. 光学学报, 2015, 35(2): 211003.


10:Wang Hongjian, Xing Fei*, You Zheng, Chu Daping, Study on a High-precision Earth Sensor with Triple-FOV. [J], Instrumentation, 2014, 2: 003.

11:Wei Minsong, Xing Fei*, You Zheng, et al.   Multiplexing image detector method for digital sun sensors with arc-second class accuracy and large FOV. [J] Optics Express, 2014, 22(19): pp.23094-23107.

12:Sun Ting, Xing Fei*, You Zheng, et al. Deep coupling of star tracker and MEMS-gyro data under high dynamic and long exposure conditions. [J] Measurement Science and Technology, 2014, 25(8), 085003. SCI, IF =1.352, WOS:000339273800013, IDS: AL6WJ, SCI &SCI-E

13:Sun Ting, Xing Fei*, You Zheng, et al. Smearing model and restoration of star image under conditions of variable angular velocity and long exposure time. [J] Optics Express, 2014, 22(5): 6009-6024. SCI, IF=3.525, WOS:000333579200153, IDS: AD9IS, Citation:2, other citations:1, web of science:1, SCI &SCI-E

14:Wang ChongYou ZhengXing Fei* , et al. Optical Flow Inversion for Remote Sensing Image Dense Registration and Sensor's Attitude Motion High-Accurate Measurement. [J] Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014(2014): 432613.

15:Li Jin, Xing Fei *,You Zheng, Compression of Multispectral Images with Comparatively Few Bands Using Posttransform Tucker Decomposition. [J] Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014(2014): 296474.

16:Li jin, Xing Fei*, Sun Ting, You Zheng. Multi-band CCD Image Compression for Space Camera with Large Field of View. [J] Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014(2014), 374285

17:Li jin, Xing Fei*, Sun Ting, You Zheng. An Efficient Image Compressor for Charge Coupled Devices (CCD) Camera. [J] The Scientific World Journal, 2014(2014), 840762.

18:Li Jin, Xing Fei*, Sun Ting, You, Zheng, Multispectral Image Compression Based on DSC Combined with CCSDS-IDC. [J] The Scientific World Journal, 2014(2014), 738735

19:Wei Minsong, Xing Fei*, Wang GengZheng YouMultiplexing image detector based digital sun sensor for high precision and large field of view. [C] //9th ESA Round Table On Micro and Nano Technologies for Space Applications. 2014

20:Liu Fengdeng, Xing Fei*, Wu Yuelong, You Zheng, Process of super-black shading material applied to the star sensor based on Ni-P alloys. [C] //IPTA, International Conference on Optoelectronic Technology and Application 2014

21:卫旻嵩,邢飞*王赓,尤政,面向高精度太阳敏感器的探测器复用技术研究. [J]清华大学学报,2014, 54(10):pp1271-1275.

22: 李进, 邢飞*, 尤政. 基于 QC-LDPC 码的空间 CCD 图像 NAND 闪存存储纠错[J]. 光电子. 激光, 2014, 25(008): 1598-1605.


23:学术专著的一章:尤政等著《空间微系统与微纳卫星》第五章《先进空间光学姿态敏感器技术》,国防工业出版社 2013

24:Sun Ting, Xing Fei*, et al. Motion-blurred star acquisition method of the star tracker under high dynamic conditions. [J] Optics Express 2013, 21(17): 20096-20110.

25:Wei Minsong, Xing Fei*, You Zheng et al. An implementation method based on ERS imaging mode for sun sensor with 1 kHz update rate and 1 precision level. [J] Optics Express, 2013, 21(26): 32524-32533

26:Xing Fei*, Zhao borui, Shi Wenying et al. Study on Tunable Fabrication of the Ultra-black NiP Film and its Blacking Mechanism. [J] Electrochimica Acta, 2013, 100: 157-163.

27:Sun Ting, Xing Fei*, and You Zheng. Optical System Error Analysis and Calibration Method of High-Accuracy Star Trackers. [J] Sensors 2013, 13(4): 4598-4623.

28:Chen Nan, and Xing Fei*, A New Approach to Determine the Centroid of Star Spot for Star Tracker Based on MEMS-Gyro. [J] Key Engineering Materials 2013, 562: 350-356.

29:Xing Fei *, et al. Study on the faint star extraction technology with MEMS gyro aided APS star tracker. [C]//ISPDI 2013-Fifth International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2013. EI

30:Wang Hongjian, Xing Fei *, Fan Peiyong, Wang Chong, You zheng, A high-precision earth sensor with three separated FOVs for aircraft application. [C]//ISPDI 2013-Fifth International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2013. EI

31:Wang Chong, Xing Fei *, Wang, Hongjian, You, Zheng. Optical flows method for lightweight agile remote sensor design and instrumentation. [C]//ISPDI 2013-Fifth International Symposium on Photoelectronic Detection and Imaging. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2013.

32:孙婷, 邢飞*, 尤政. 高精度星敏感器光学系统误差分析. [J] 光学学报,2013, 33(3): 323003 EI

33:王翀,尤政,邢飞*,陶青长,大视场空间遥感相机的像速场及图像传感器曝光积分控制. [J] 光学学报, 201333588-95 EI

34:卫旻嵩, 邢飞*, 李滨, . N形缝光线引入器太阳敏感器技术研究[J]. 宇航学报, 2013, 34(10): 1323-1329 EI

35:尤政, 王翀, 邢飞, . 空间遥感智能载荷及其关键技术[J]. 航天返回与遥感, 2013 (1): 35-43.


36:Xing Fei*, Chen Nan et al. A Novel Approach Based on MEMS-Gyro's Data Deep Coupling for Determining the Centroid of Star Spot. [J] Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2012(2012).

37:Li Wengyang, Zhang Gaofei, You Zheng, Xing Fei (2012). Error compensation for area digital sun sensor. [J] Sensors, 12(9), 11798-11810

38:Xing Fei*, Wu yuelong, You zheng, A novel Method to Fabricate Ultra-Black Material with Micro/Nano structure for Star Tracker Baffle,[C]// 8th ESA Round Table On Micro and Nano Technologies for Space Applications. 2012

39:孙婷, 邢飞*, 尤政. 一种基于天体运动学的星敏感器精度测量方法[J]. 清华大学学报: 自然科学版, 2012, 52(4): 430-435. EI


40:Wei, Minsong, Xing Fei*, Li, Bin. Investigation of Digital Sun Sensor Technology with an N-Shaped Slit Mask. [J] Sensors, 2011, 11: 9764-9777.

41:You Zheng, Sun Jian, Xing Fei, et al. A novel multi-aperture based sun sensor based on a fast multi-point MEANSHIFT (FMMS) algorithm. [J] Sensors, 2011, 11(3): 2857-2874.

42:Zhong Xing, Jin Guang, Wang Dong, Xing Fei, Space Optics and Remote Sensing Technologies. [J] Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2011, 38(09): 1-5.

43:钟兴,金光,王栋,邢飞CMOS星敏感器焦平面装配及标定. [J] 光电工程,2011, 9期,pp1-5.


44:Xing Fei, You zheng, A novel MEMS based Sun sensor, [C]//7th ESA Round Table On Micro and Nano Technologies for Space Applications. 2010

45:邢飞, 尤政, 董瑛. 基干导航星域和 K 矢量的快速星图识别算法. [J] 宇航学报, 31卷第10期宇航学V01.31 N010, 2010EI; other citation 2; web of science 1;


46:Xing Fei*, You, Zheng, Micro aps cmos star tracker and its key techniques research, [C]// 60th International Astronautical Congress 2009, IAC 2009, v 6, p 4911-4915, 2009 EI


47:Xing Fei*, et al. A novel active pixels sensor (APS) based sun sensor based on a feature extraction and image correlation (FEIC) technique. [J] Measurement Science and Technology, 2008,19(12): 125203.

48:Xing Fei, You Zheng, Zhang Gaofei. Sun sensor based on the MEMS sunlight lead-in. [J] Journal of Functional Materials and Devices, 2008, 14(1): 246. EI

49:邢飞; 尤政; 张高飞. 基于MEMS光线引入器的太阳敏感器技术.[J] 功能材料与器件学报, 2008, 14卷,第1期,246-250. EI


50:Xing Fei*, Dong Ying, and You Zheng. Laboratory calibration of star tracker with brightness independent star identification strategy. [J] Optical Engineering, 2006, 45(6): 063604-063604.

51:Dong Ying, Xing Fei, You Zheng. Brightness independent 4-star matching algorithm for lost-in-space 3-axis attitude acquisition. [J] Tsinghua Science & Technology, 2006, 11(5): 543-548.

52:Xing Fei*Dong YingYou ZhengAPS star tracker and attitude estimation, [C]// First International Symposium on Systems and Control in Aerospace and Astronautics. 2006,Jan 19-21, Haerbin China

53:邢飞,董瑛,武延鹏,尤政,星敏感器参数分析与自主校正. [J] 清华大学学报,2006年,Vol 4511),1484-1488,   EI


54:Dong Ying, Xing Fei, You Zheng. An APS-based autonomous star tracker[C]//Photonics Asia 2004. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2005: 225-233.

55:Dong Ying, Xing Fei, You Zheng. APS star sensor performance assessment through real-sky observation experiments[C]//Photonics Asia 2004. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2005: 541-550.

56:邢飞,武延鹏,董瑛,尤政,微型星敏感器实验室测试系统研究. [J] 光学技术,2005306703-705EI


57:Dong Ying, Xing Fei, You Zheng. An APS-based autonomous star tracker[C]//Photonics Asia 2004. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2005: 225-233.

58:Dong Ying, Xing Fei, You Zheng. APS star sensor performance assessment through real-sky observation experiments[C]//Photonics Asia 2004. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2005: 541-550.

59:Dong Ying, You Zheng, Xing Fei. Design of an APS based star tracker for microsatellite attitude determination[C]//55 th International Astronautical Congress. 2004. ----

60:董瑛,邢飞,尤政,基于CMOS APS的星敏感器光学系统参数确定. [J] 宇航学报. 2004, 25(6): 663-668. EI